Appicaptor Changelog- January 2016

Analysis of App Developments
It is possible to analyze apps that are not (yet) available in the App markets. All Appicaptor users with with an Appicaptor Corporate subscription can use the updated Appicaptor Web Interface functionality found at the menu item “Orders” and the new menu item “Upload binary App”. For more details refer to the updated Appicaptor Quick Start Guide.

Enhanced Analysis Scope
Additional security-relevant app properties are now detected and evaluated. For iOS apps, for example, the different extensions are displayed (app extensions e.g.: Document Picker, Watch App, etc.). Those functions can be used by other apps without the execution source app that the extension makes available. An extension can gain access to user-related data, in the name of other app as well as through shared resources in the name of the source app. As a result, confidential corporate data may be passed to untrustworthy apps.

Changes to Appicaptor Subscriptions
All companies with (existing) Appicaptor Top Free subscriptions receive an additional user account per app platform, in order to make it easier to create deputy processes. In addition, there is now the possibility of a weekly test cycle of 25 apps with the Appicaptor Starter Corporate Weekly subscription as an alternative to the monthly test cycle.