Third-Party Library Permission Piggybacking in Android Apps

Third-party libraries are widely used in Android apps and take over some functionality, thus making app development easier. As these libraries inherit the privileges of the app, they can often be overprivileged. Libraries, can abuse these privileges, oftentimes through extensive data collection. This article delves into the issue of permission piggybacking, a technique where libraries probe permissions and adapt their behaviour accordingly, without making any permission requests of their own. We thoroughly analysed the top 1,000 applications on Google Play for permission piggybacking. Our results prove that it is extremely widespread, imposing a significant problem that needs urgent attention.

The image shows a pig carrying a cardboard box tied to its back with twine. The pig is walking along a dirt path in a rural setting, with green fields visible in the background. The overall impression is whimsical and humorous, illustrating permission piggybacking.

The Android operating system is home to millions of applications, each providing users with a unique set of features and services. To ensure that these applications interact safely with user data and other app components, Android employs a permission system. However, the reality is far from ideal. The main application often employs Third-party libraries to offload certain tasks and functionalities, which inherit all permissions from the main app. Mostly, these permissions are more than the library requires. Many libraries use this characteristic to probe already granted permissions and use or collect accordingly available data.

Understanding Permission Piggybacking

Permission piggybacking occurs when third-party libraries, integrated within a main app, probe and adapt their behavior according to the already granted permissions, without explicitly requesting any permissions of their own. Libraries utilizing this technique can access user data and critical functionalities, particularly when embedded in an application with high privileges.

Not just a few apps exhibit this issue. Most apps, from gaming apps to critical banking applications, employ libraries. Each app often uses five to ten, sometimes up to 50 libraries, and the app developer often does not know in detail how each library works and what it does in the background. This makes it a significant concern, as these libraries can gather more personal and sensitive user data than required for their primary functionality, posing a considerable privacy risk.

The Research Approach

Our research aimed to assess the prevalence and impact of permission piggybacking in third-party libraries. To achieve this, we developed a novel analysis technique that can detect opportunistic permission usage by third-party libraries. Normal behaviour would be that if a library requires permission to a resource, it first checks if the permission was already granted. If not, the library would generate a permission pop-up to request the permission and then use the restricted resource. During permission piggybacking, the library only checks and uses the permissions already granted, but it never requests it.

In our approach, we used a static analysis to first search for check permissions API calls. Afterwards, we compare it with the permission request API calls. Finally we assign the different API calls to the main app or to the different integrated libraries. As previously described, we evaluated the checked and requested permission API calls on a per library basis. We flag a library as permission piggybacking whenever it checks more permissions than requested.

Evaluation Results

We then put this technique to the test by analysing the top 1,000 applications on Google Play. We aimed to measure the extent of opportunistic permission usage by third-party libraries and determine the prevalence of this technique.

Pie chart showing a 36% fraction with no piggybacking, 50% piggybacking and 14% unknown behavior of 851 different libraries.

Out of the 1000 apps, we have extracted 851 different libraries. In 14% of the libraries we were unable to certainly determine if permission piggybacking is used due to the limits of the static analysis. However, we were able to determine that an overwhelming 50% of the 851 libraries use permission piggybacking.

Interestingly, the permissions most often piggybacked were almost exclusively dangerous permissions as defined by Android documentation. Specifically, those were the fine and coarse location (GPS/mobile network cell) and read phone state. These permissions provide access to sensitive user data and make it possible to uniquely identify and track devices as described in our fingerprinting article.

Top 15 of piggybacked permissions in the top 1000 Android apps, by the number of occurrence in non-obfuscated libraries
Top 15 of piggybacked permissions in the top 1000 Android apps, by the number of occurrence in non-obfuscated libraries

Furthermore, our analysis revealed that most libraries engaging in permission piggybacking were related to advertising, usage statistics and tracking. These libraries, by their nature have strong interest in extensive data collection.

Further insights on our used detection mechanism can be read in our extensive paper at Scitepress, published at the ICISSP conference 2025. This paper was awarded as the best paper of this conference.

Conclusion and Outlook

Our research underscores that permission piggybacking remains a significant and widespread issue with 50% of all libraries leveraging this technique. Thus, in practice chances of having a piggybacking library installed are very high. To effectively address this, implementing a more granular permission system at the library level is being a viable solution.

As a result, users must be mindful of the permissions they grant to the apps they install until Google implements such measures in Android. Even though for example giving the location permission to a navigation app seems legit, advertisement, or usage statistics libraries integrated into the app potentially piggyback and abuse these permissions for data collection. Depending on the use case of an app, it might be also an option to manually provide the location to the app, e.g. by entering the town name for the weather app once instead of granting the location permission that allows all included libraries to track any location changes of the user.

Appicaptor is already capable of analysing the possible types of accessed data, used permissions as well as integrated third-party libraries. Thus, Appicaptor results already pose a viable foundation for a user’s informed app selection. We are currently working on integrating the permission piggybacking detection approach into Appicaptor for our customers.

Visit us at it-sa 2024: Threats of Device Fingerprinting for Enterprises

What data is transferred by business apps, and how secure is their processing? Our research shows: If your employees use apps arbitrarily, you put your company’s security at risk.

At it-sa 2024, we present our app analysis framework Appicaptor. You can use it to automatically check whether apps are compliant with your company’s IT security demands. New results within the Athene funded research project FiDeReMA will improve Appicaptor analysis techniques. Among other things, the goal is to identify and evaluate privacy implications when using arbitrary apps.

A fluffy blue monster holds a smartphone displaying the message "DENY ALL COOKIES," referencing cookie permissions. A bowl of black cookies sits beside it, creating a humorous contrast between the tech message and the monster's love for cookies.

Our current efforts to improve Appicaptor revolve around different privacy aspects:

  • Device fingerprinting
  • App DSGVO Consent Banners
  • Permission piggybacking of Android in app third-party libraries

Device Fingerprinting

Device fingerprinting is a technique used to uniquely identify devices and therewith typically also users. Mobile apps make use of different device properties such for example device name, software version and others. They combine such values mostly with a hashing function to a unique identifier. Use cases for device fingerprinting are app usage statistics, fraud detection and mostly targeted advertisement.

When employees install apps with device fingerprinting on their mobile corporate devices, it can lead to the loss of sensitive business data for companies. Attackers can acquire the collected data and potentially identify the devices of company management, spy on trade secrets, and ascertain customer contacts. In practice, the Cambridge Analytica case shows how sufficient data from various sources can be used to analyze users and manipulate them through targeted advertising, thereby influencing even election results.

Identified Device Fingerprinting Activity for the Top 1.000 Android Apps (source)

Our analysis results show that more than 60% of the top 1,000 apps on Google Play employ device fingerprinting techniques. This allows a unique device identification even across app borders.

We extracted 30,000 domains from the most popular 2,000 iOS and Android apps. Afterwards, we filtered out domain names for the most prevalent device fingerprinters covering 90% market share. We were able to prevent device fingerprinting in 40% of the cases by using publicly available domain blocklists. These lists are specialized on tracking and advertisement domains and can be easily applied to for example a firewall. Another 40% would easily be blockable by updating the blocklist: Some fingerprinters use random subdomains for their communication in the form of giving many possibilities to be blocked.

We also proposed an approach to randomize return values of popular properties used for device fingerprinting. Our results prove that this technique dramatically reduces the uniqueness of the device fingerprint. Nevertheless, respective APIs remain accurate enough for their intended use cases. The hope is that our proposed techniques are included in future Android and iOS releases.

In-App DSGVO Consent Banners

Many of the previously mentioned device fingerprinting properties would typically require user consent as stated by the DSGVO. According to recent court decisions and EU regulations, rejecting must be just as easy as accepting consent banners. However, many companies don’t obey such regulations. Those who obey mostly apply dark pattern to push the user into accepting all tracking.

Example DSGVO Consent Banner with the option to reject all tracking on first instance.

We are currently working on detecting if apps provide a reject option on first instance, without having to click through several submenus. In our attempt, we are employing artificial intelligence to analyse such consent banners for reject options on first instance. The results yield a success rate of 82%. Some apps try hard to remain within legal boundaries but make it hard for users to reject data usage. Can you find the first level reject option in the following consent banner? – Yes there is an option.

Example DSGVO Consent Banner that uses dark patterns to hide reject tracking option.

We have collected the most interesting consent banners and bundled them into a game. With the app “Reject all cookies” you need to overcome several consent banners and keep your data private. Having rejected all “cookies” in the app you can win real cookies at our it-sa 2024 booth (6-314).

Permission piggybacking in Android Apps

Traditionally, Android apps comprise a main application and several supporting libraries. These libraries often inherit permissions from the main app, granting them unnecessary access beyond their core functions. This leads to permission piggybacking, where libraries exploit inherited permissions to gather data without requesting them directly. Advertisement and tracking libraries particularly leverage this tactic to collect extensive user data.

We have developed an analysis tool to detect third-party app libraries only probing for already granted permissions, without ever requesting permissions themselves.

Analysing the top 1,000 apps on Google Play reveals that 50% of the libraries exhibit this permission probing behaviour. Presumably, these libraries then adapt their behaviour according to the granted permissions of the main app. Accordingly, they collect more or less data, as available. Most of the identified libraries exhibiting such behaviour are well-known advertising and tracking libraries. This fact underlines the urge for a finer granular permission system to separate main app and third-party libraries.

Visit us at it-sa 2024 and have a cookie with us!

You’ll find us in hall 6, booth number 6-314 for a demonstration and discussions.